Like Water that Flows Constantly (by Marissa Haque Fawzi, 2004)

Reflections on the meaning of life: Marissa Haque
(Amidst the flood that hits Indonesia)

Bintaro, Jakarta, February 21, 2004

Water is the source of life.

It is very flexible and can easily adapt itself to anything.

If its course is blocked by a rock, then it will choose another one and continues flowing down towards its destination.

Water also behaves modesty, because it always flows to a lower place.

If the temperature rises, it evaporates, goes up to the sky and afterwards comes down again on the earth.

Water cleans everything; it floods the rice fields in the dry season; it cleans dust and makes the soil fertile.

According to a story, when the rain falls, thousands of angels come down with it.

But if the rains come down in torrents and continuously, like what is happening in the last few days in Indonesia, then there might be something wrong in the relations between men and water.

Water will become men’s friend if we treat it in s friendly way, but if we don’t do it, it will destroy us.In life, water is an indicator of the quality of men in the eyes of God the Almighty.

FLowing Like Water (Marissa Haque Fawzi) Amids a Mild Snow in Athens, Ohio, USA, 2004

FLowing Like Water (Marissa Haque Fawzi) Amids a Mild Snow in Athens, Ohio, USA, 2004
FLowing Like Water (Marissa Haque Fawzi) Amids a Mild Snow in Athens, Ohio, USA, 2004

Minggu, 10 April 2011

Setuju Musik Masuk ke Dalam Kurikulum: Ikang Fawzi & Marissa Haque

Jum'at, 04 Maret 2011 17:15 wib


SURABAYA- Kondisi pelajaran musik di sekolah dasar hingga menengah atas kian memprihatinkan. Bahkan pola-pola pembelajaran terkesan monoton sehingga siswa tidak memahami musik secara pasti. Pelajaran musik di Indonesia hanya sebatas teori saja.

Hal itu disampaikan Ketua Music Teacher Association of Indonesia (MTAoI) Ivon Maria Pek Pien. "Pelajaran musik di Indonesia sangat jauh tertinggal dibanding luar negeri. Oleh karena itu, melalui MTAoI ini akan diperjuangkan agar terwujudnya kurikulum musik skala nasional," kata Ivon di sela-sela acara Open Piano Competition The 11th Galaxy International di Hotel JW Marriot, Jalan Embong Malang, Surabaya, Jum'at (4/3/2011).

Dia menambahkan, di Indonesia, sekolah musik selalu dicampurkan dengan sekolah umum. Beberapa siswa selalu dibebani dengan pelajaran musik yang hanya teori saja. MTAoI berencana menggulirkan kurikulum bagi perkembangan musik di Indonesia, yakni bagaimana menanamkan musik secara benar sejak dini. Kemudian, ketika siswa beranjak dewasa dapat menerapkan musik tanpa harus les privat lagi.

Ivon mengkritik, Indonesia tidak memiliki konservatorium, sebuah wadah untuk mencari bakat-bakat musisi. Di luar negeri, seperti di New York dan Eropa, konservatorium ini sudah melembaga. "Kabarnya sih akan ada pembangunan konservatorium di Indonesia. Sayangnya yang mendanai bukan pemerintah Indonesia, melainkan pemerintah Belanda bekerja sama dengan kampus Widya Mandala Surabaya," ungkapnya. (rfa)(rhs)

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